Supporting Hands UK activities during the year 2019
The Trustees of Supporting Hands UK express their sincere thanks to all Donors for their support in this great cause. Without your Support it would not have been possible to achieve the results. Your ongoing support is helping 145+ students to change their lives forever by educating themselves. Jazakallah Khair
None of the volunteers or Trustees are paid for their services and efforts. Supporting Hands UK Trustees or volunteers did not derive any benefits from Supporting Hands UK activities.
Education Project
Education remains our main focus of Activities. Supporting Hands UK was providing financial support in form of school/college fees and support for books and uniforms to 145+ students as the end of 2019. A number of students have taken top grades in their school. 3 of the students took top marks in Federal Board Exams of Pakistan. The breakdown of students are as follows:
- 92 – primary School, 42 Secondary Students and 13 University/Colleges students
Among the Senior students , they are studying for Chartered Accountancy, Degrees in Zoology, Sociology and other science groups. Geographically, these students are mostly in Northern Pakistan and Karachi.
Our Sincere thanks to Arham, Akram, Fahim and Mahdi for giving their valuable time to take part in London 10K Half-Marathon run in July 2019 to raise funds for Orphans Education on behalf of Supporting Hands UK.
Ramazan Ration Distribution
This was Supporting Hands UK 3rd year of running this campaign. Alhamdulilah, with your support, it was successfully completed. The Ration was distributed to 180+ families in Skardu, Parachinar and Karachi.
Qurbani Campaign
Our Qurbani Campaign is to assist Momineens in UK to Eid ul Azha qurbani obligations according to Islamic procedures and distribute among the deserving people.
Similar to last year, Supporting Hands Uk performed 32 Qurbanis on behalf of the Momineens and meat was distributed amount 300+ families. The distribution was done in Parachinar, Skardu and Karachi.
Winter Campaign
During 2019, 150 blanket/ duvets were distributed compared to 80 in 2018. In addition 40 sweaters were distributed to students. The distribution was done in Wah Cantt and Parachinar (Northern Areas) in Pakistan.
Other Projects
We are also providing financial support regarding medical cases of those who cannot bare expenses of medical treatment.
During 2019, Supporting Hands raised £28.9k for the Education, Ramazan, Qurbani and Winter projects Supporting Hands (UK) have spent £25.5k during 2019. Of this, £0.7k (only 3%) were expenses. This £0.7K represents Banks charges for remittances and the processing charges for Justgiving/ Paypal . The trustees travelling expenses are borne by the Trustees.